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Teaching Now Living- Part 19- Person Centered Activities
Ellie's day had become long and boring as she is no longer doing her routine tasks to keep up her home. She had always been a talented...
Teaching Now Living- Part 18-Changing Vocabulary
Ellie had been saying "you know" for the last year to cover up her lack of memory.This was a new phrase in her vocabulary. When in a...
REMINDER- JOIN US-Improving STAR Ratings with Behavioral Health and Home Care
DeVero a Netsmart solution is hosting Improving STAR Ratings with Behavioral Health and Home Care on Thursday, February 22nd, 2:00PM...
Teaching Now Living-Part 17 -Changing Daily Ellie’s disease is progressing
Although Ellie’s disease has continued to progress she continues to go to her day program daily, taking a bus with her friend Charles....
Teaching Now Living-Part 16- Consistency of a Schedule
Consistency, Consistency Ellie’s personal assistant has been working inconsistent days over the past three months due to personal issues....
Resource Article-What-if-You-Knew-Alzheimer's-Was-Coming-for-You?
An excellent article discussing the dilemma of genetic testing. I like the idea that individuals with positive generic testing can...
Teaching Now Living - Part 15 - Changing Cognitive Level
Elle has been acting increasingly more child like. She came home from the Senior Center telling my sister and I that she and her 92 year...
Teaching Now Living - Part 14 - Repetition
Recently Elle has started following my sister and I around when we are at her house. This can be good because it means she is out of her...
Teaching Now Living-Part 13-Repeating the same thing over and over
In the past month Elle has begun repeating the same statement or question over and over again. One of her grandsons recently installed a...
Teaching Now Living- Part 12 Accusations
Teaching Now Living # 12 Accusations- Elle is constantly accusing my sister and I of taking anything she can’t find around the house. For...
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